I should explain the name of the blog “Little Temujin”.
Our little one is not the typical blue eyed and blond Russian kid. Actually, he has big brown eyes, long lashes and brown (seems curly) hair. He is definitely mixed but we are not sure what races. So, in absence of a true family tree, we decided that he is a distant relative to the legendary Genghis Khan whose original name was Temujin.

"Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy's heart instead of her tummy."
Author: Unknown

Friday, December 25, 2009

Dec 25th - Christmas Day

Not much to say about today except I am glad it’s over. Yes, it’s Christmas day but it doesn’t feel like it. Nothing festive here.
At lest I got to see my family, Jason & Zoro, Zivka & Mitch through Skype.

It was a long day. Vanie only had one 45 min nap and was ready to go to bed by 7:30 PM (which means being cranky since 6 PM). I put him is his crib (lots of crying, screaming and kicking) and he was asleep within 10 minutes – he must have been really tired from not doing much today. I hope he doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night.
We’ve been both sneezing here and there today so we better not be getting sick…

This place is starting go get to us (even the pool table isn't helping) and I am just glad we have only one more night here. I still have to find out from Anya when we leave but it should be in the morning of the 27th.
It started snowing again around 4PM and it’s supposed to continue through tomorrow. Lets hope we can fly out without any problems or delays.

Oh, development today: Vanie barely cried in the tub today and even tried to play with the water a little bit. Big step - it only took how many baths?!?! He is still not completely sold on the bathing idea but we are getting there.

My parents told me that out of all the holiday pita fortunes Vanie got the big one and mom and my sis got the small ones. They are leaving for Moscow tomorrow and I can’t wait to see them. It’s been 2 ½ yrs since I saw my mom and dad and over a year since I saw my sis.

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